Thursday, March 17, 2016

Keep going! Its totally worth the freedom!

Topical Steroid Withdraw has been the worst thing and the best thing I have ever done in my life. If you haven't heard of TSW go to They well tell you all about it. Now 2 Years, 4 Months. Practically back to normal. No meds, no lotion, no diet change, no nothing... nothing but freedom. I still experience minor patches of eczema that flair in the same spots. Like my arm, and behind my legs, and my face. But this is nothing compared to a couple years ago after stoping the steroids. I don't experience red burning skin or oozing anymore. Just minor "regular" ezcema that seems to flare when entering dusty places, or eating a ton of suger, alcohol or junk food.

Best advise I have is don't stress out over what you think is causing it, because that will only make it worse in the long run. My therory is you just have to wait patiently for your immune system to naturally slowly burn the ezcema and inflamation out. So you will go through good periods, and then flare hard again, only to repeat the process over and over, but each time getting less intense. It's best to get away from your old ways of living because your immune system is used to functioning in a life where you had artificial cortisone, so any place or situation that reminds you of needing the cortisone in your subconscious will trigger your skin to flare. You are a new person off the cream and you must train your brain to reverse negative thinking and old ways of living. I still go through rounds of anxiety where I can tell my body is craving the steroids and I start to flare. But when this happens Marijuana once in a while along with silent meditation can help overcome this. Also explains why all the people who are healed disappear, because once you are healed you want nothing to do with anything that reminds you of TSW. Also, in the later stages of healing, don't take anything that messes with your immune system because this just confuses your natural inmune system and will tak longer to heal. This including basic Advil or Anti Histamines. I found they do help short term but I rebound hard from them, and can send me into a vicious loop if I keep popping them. All meds in my opinion will only make you worse if you depend on them too much and disrupt your own natural energy flow. Once in a while yes, like in the early stages, but try to stay clear of drugs later on in the withdraw. Like I say, I found Marijuana to be the most helpful tool, because it calms the anxiety and does't mess with your immune system like most other drugs do. Anyways, best of luck for anyone tring to stop steroids, its a brutal process but you will learn more about yourself and your body and eventually get your life back!