Thursday, December 4, 2014

Rebuilding my core

I have gone through a large spiritual journey in this past year and I want people to understand it. For I think it can help other people get better.

Here is the main point I want to get across. Our spirit is what holds our body together. I believe spirit/ soul is the energy we were born with and is what drives life, without it we would be dead and would fall apart. Have you ever felt hurt emotionally? Like a break up, or people saying bad things about you? Well if you believe the lies, and are not grounded in your true self, your spirit will be damaged. And a damaged spirit is the cause of all illness and depression. 

Now, here is the sad part. Our spirit has been extremely damaged unknowingly by these immunosuppressants/ steroids. Our symptoms have been covered up and masked by a false medical power.

Imagine our spirit as an apple seed. It has a set of instructions, almost supernatural instructions for it to grow into a tree. The plant starts growing naturally at a young age, then a doctor comes along and says, hum this tree has some issues and should be growing stronger. So they give it a support beam to help it grow. The support beam helps for a little while until the tree starts wilting again under its own weight again. Doctor says, we need another support beam. This keeps continuing until the apple tree reaches full maturity.  

We are the apple tree that has been given too many unnatural support beams (steroids) and can no longer stand on our own. We are no doubt going to fall and break when we take the beams off. And sadly the creams and doctors are not going to be there to help us. Their interests lie elsewhere. Short term fixes and the need for money has blinded them. But the cool part about nature is we may break at the core/ trunk, but over time we can grow back to the image that God has created us to be. Although for this to occur it takes forgiveness. We have been damaged badly, we are angry and we want to hold someone responsible. Sadly we beat ourselves up over this. You can learn to let go though. It takes faith not in someone else, not in another drug, but someone who has been there the whole time. You, and the power of your heart. Don't let the past hold you down, for it is over and done with. Let go and rebuild your natural core again.

For myself, I still have a lot of growing to do, for I have been broken at the trunk and stripped of everything I had and the fruit I used to bear. But my spirit is growing stronger everyday, and cannot be shaken or disrupted by others or physical obstacles. I am growing into a more beautiful tree in the image God has created me to be. One that I feel will produce some of the best fruit on this planet given time to heal.

Tomorrow marks my 1 year. I will be putting a bunch of images together to show the amazing progress I have made :)

I also want to note, the Bible is a powerful book if you read it with the correct context in mind. I am not really religious but while I was down in the gutter I just gave it a read. You almost have to go through suffering for it to really speak to you. Jesus was an amazing teacher and understood people in the image of God perfectly. His messages helped.