Monday, January 20, 2014

Month 2 - Welcome to Hell!

So my last post in December was pretty optimistic, little did I know I was just on the verge of entering the gates of Hell! Wow these last 2 to 3 weeks have tested my humaity to the core. Infact I think at one point I was close to dying... let me explain!

So things took a turn for the worst right after the 1st of January. Before, I was able to make it through the day, and was going to work. And for New Years I went to a party... it was a little uncomfortable but managable. But after, within the first week of January my skin turned red, full body bright red! Red sleeves and everything. This my friends IS NOT ECZEMA... this is a completly different beast. My skin was on fire! This is Topical Steroid Withdraw. This is what it feel like to rid your body of poison you have been applying your whole life. It took a month to hit my body and it arrived like a brick wall. Let the detox begin...

It was around Jan 9th when I woke up in the morning, looked absolutly terrible and decided to hop in the shower! Bad move! The mixture of pain, my adrinals all messed up, not eating breakfast, and the heat almost caused me to blackout. No one was was home so I just hopped out of the bathroom, cralled to my phone and called 911. I nearly lost conciouness while I waited for them. Luckly they gave me some  food and I was fine. My blood pressure had dropped to a dangerous level. Of course I had to try and describe topical steroid to them which was hard but they were a little understandable. 

So basically for the last couple weeks my skin has been hell and sheading relentlesly! I wake up in the morning and look like a zombie with skin falling off everywhere. Oozing like freaking crazy. I wake up completely wet with ooze. And the grity skin falling off on top of the ooze is extreamly nasty. Very hard to sleep. Luckly I went to the doctor and got hydroxisine, which is an anti histamine to help sleep and calm the itching. I take some around 12pm, wake up around 3am or 4am all sweaty and then go soak in the bath till 8am. Yeah! 4 hours in the tub, but its the only place I can get some good rest! I havent been to work for the last week. Just told them I am taking medical leave... Anyways, this is really testing my physical strength, have resorted to prayer, faith and hope. My parents have been coming over to help and my roommate is making me meals! Having a care tender is important as I have learned I cant manage this all my self! Cant thank the people in my life who are helping through. They are a God sent! Tierd, going to bed now. More later.  

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